GuildMaster: Who-Gives-A-Fuck Assistant GuildMaster:
The Sorcerer is the follower of the air and wind, also called
Aeromancers. They control the elements of the air and the wind and extract
a great power wich can be devestating to his/hers enemies. They have
great defense skills that makes them, if played right, very hard to kill.
They have a very good dodging wich makes them capable to avoid heavy
strokes from their opponents. Combined with great defensive spells, as up
to 38 layers of winds, anyone should have a real hard time killing them.
The offensive skills are not the greatest in the Realms but with a good
silence and the defensive skills a Sorcerer should not be left behind. A
Sorcerer can also have a real good reduce weight skill. If maxed right you
should be able to reduce an items weight with up to 96%.
In the guildroom there is a woman called Shandrala. It is from her you
teach all the spells. The commands to use is:
'spell list - Shandrala shows you a list of all the spells.
Contains name, spell type and learn lvl
'tell me about (spell name) - Shandrala tells you about the
chosen spell. Contains name, spell type, gp cost, skills used and a
little descripsion
'what spells - Shandrala says what spells you are skilled
enough to learn
'teach me (spell name) - Shandrala teaches you the chosen
Dirs to the guild from Cliff Face (all south from Lirath
South Gate): up, 5s, 2nw, 2s, se, e, se, e,
2in Alias: up;s;s;s;s;s;nw;nw;s;s;se;e;se;e;in;in
Dirs from guild to encampment (the first place to go xp): 2out,
w, nw, w, nw, 2n, se, 3w, 12s, 4w,
4sw Alias: out;out;w;nw;w;nw;n;n;se;w;w;w;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;w;w;w;w; sw;sw;sw;sw